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Opening Panel - Ngāi Tahu Archive

The Tandanya-Adelaide Declaration Symposium
Friday, October 25, 2024
9:25 AM - 10:00 AM
Bealey B4+B5


Me manatu te maumahara: We must remember to remember
Helen Brown (Ngāi Tahu)
Takerei Norton (Ngāi Tahu)
Gabrielle Faith (Ngāi Tahu)
Tania Nutira (Ngāi Tahu)


Helen Brown
Archives Manager - Research
Ngāi Tahu Archive

Me manatu te maumahara: We must remember to remember


Helen Brown (Ngāi Tahu) is co-manager of the Ngāi Tahu Archive. She works with Ngāi Tahu communities on history and memory projects including oral histories, exhibitions, interpretation, digital repatriation, and publications. Helen leads the Ngāi Tahu Archive publishing programme including the award-winning Tāngata Ngāi Tahu series.

Takerei Norton (Ngāi Tahu) is co-manager of the Ngāi Tahu Archive. His field of interest is the collation, storage, and use of traditional Māori knowledge. Since 2005 Takerei has managed Kā Huru Manu, the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Mapping Project. He also managed the development of Kareao, the online archive database that provides unprecedented access to the Ngāi Tahu Archive.

Gabrielle Faith (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu) is an Archivist in the Ngāi Tahu Archive. Her role focusses on the creation of archival records that incorporate contextualised and creative metadata, within a storytelling approach. A main driver of her mahi is to enhance the experience of whānau and hapori with the archive collections, especially through facilitated digital access via the innovative archival database Kareao. She has an interest in pragmatic data sovereignty of iwi archives.

Tania Nutira (Ngāi Tahu) is a Senior Archives Advisor in the Ngāi Tahu Archive. She has worked for the Ngāi Tahu Archive since 2012. Her role encompasses arrangement and description of selected personal collections as well as managing the artworks and taonga collection for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.