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1C - Panel

Conway 2
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Conway 2


1C.1 Robin Wright
Dan Eady
Thea Van Veen
Chris Arneil
Rebecca Barnott-Clement


Robin Wright
Head Australasia and Asia-Pacific
Digital Preservation Coalition

DPC Panel – preserving ‘unruly’ digital objects


DPC member organisations from Australasia and Asia-Pacific will discuss their experiences with holding, exhibiting, and preserving digital content that functions differently from the stable, linear or analogue material traditionally held by archives. Much, or arguably even most, digital content does not exist as a stable object, does not have an ‘original’, incorporates collaborative elements, changes itself through its use, or preserves various states of decay of an analogue original. This inherently ‘unruly’ content challenges many of the existing concepts of archival collection.
While the use of digital technologies for preservation has its own challenges, the preservation of these specifically ‘unruly’ digital objects brings up many additional questions. Such as: which release of a piece of software is representative? How do you preserve digital data whose value lies in its use rather than its storage? What do you choose to preserve when a digital artwork evolves as part of its exhibition or use? How are digital preservation decisions made in today’s technological moment themselves preserved to inform those who will work with the content in the future? These and many other questions are being addressed in practice by those dealing with the preservation challenges posed by the ‘unruly’ digital. Panel members will explain how they are addressing their own specific ‘unruly’ digital material, followed by a discussion with the audience about how and where these encounters challenge traditional archival concepts and what responses are being adopted.


Robin Wright is the Head Australasia and Asia-Pacific for the Digital Preservation Coalition. She is interested in copyright and digital technologies in the cultural and education sectors. Robin was previously Manager, Scholarly Resources at Swinburne University of Technology, a Research Fellow at the Centre for Media and Communication Law at the University of Melbourne and has practiced as a solicitor. She has managed various research projects exploring the impact of copyright law on digital delivery in cultural and educational settings. Robin has an LLB(Hons), MA and BMus, is on the Board of the Australian Digital Alliance and is Co-Lead of Creative Commons Australia.

Dan Eady
Dan Eady is Manager, Digital Delivery at Nga Taonga.

Thea Van Veen
Thea Van Veen is Rights and Permission Co-ordinator at the National Museum of Australia

Chris Arneil
Chris Arneil is Digital Games Curator at the Australian National Film & Sound Archive

Rebecca Barnott-Clement
Rebecca Barnott-Clement is the Senior Time-Based Art Conservator (seconded to digital preservation team) at the Art Gallery of New South Wales